
When you write a web API, you make a promise to the world.
RSpecApi helps you keep your promise.

Concise tests for resourceful web APIs

Have you ever developed a web API and spent more time writing its tests and documentation than its code?
Have you ever built a web site that depends on third-party APIs and wondered how to test their result?
Wonder no more: RSpecApi helps you take care of these cases with concise and self-documenting tests.

concerts_spec.rbresource :concert do
  host ''

  has_attribute :id, type: {number: :integer}
  has_attribute :where, type: :string
  has_attribute :website, type: [:null, string: :url]

  get '/concerts', collection: true do
    respond_with :ok

  post '/concerts' do
    respond_with :created, concert: {where: 'Coachella'}
    respond_with :unprocessable_entity, concert: {where: nil}

The few lines of code above document two API endpoints that provides:

Ensuring that this documentation is valid and that complies with these promises is as easy as running the following commands:

$ gem install rspec-api
$ rspec --require rspec-api concerts_spec.rb
  Getting a list of concerts
    GET /concerts
      responds with a status code that
        should be 200
      responds with headers that
        should include 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      responds with a body that
        should be a collection
        should have attributes :id (Integer) and :where (String)
  Creating one concert
    POST /concerts with concert: {:where=>"Coachella"}
      responds with a status code that
        should be 201
      responds with headers that
        should include 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
      responds with a body that
        should have attributes :id (Integer) and :where (String)
    POST /concerts with concert: {:where=>nil}
      responds with a status code that
        should be 422
      responds with headers that
        should include 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

Finished in 0.00334 seconds
6 examples, 0 failures

All the expectations pass, so we are good to go! We have successfully tested that the API keeps its promises.

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